Insufficient Data. Either the fund is too new, or return data of current frequency is not available.
Some domestic equity funds may invest a significant portion of their underlying assets in international securities. The allocation percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding and/or cash balances.
Seeks high total return.
The ABLE Multi-Asset Index Portfolio ("Portfolio") invests in the Fidelity Multi-Asset Index Fund. By investing in the Fidelity Multi-Asset Index Fund, the Portfolio will invest in a combination of seven Fidelity stock and bond index funds (underlying Fidelity funds) using an asset allocation strategy designed for investors seeking a broadly diversified, index-based investment. The Fidelity Multi-Asset Index Fund currently may invest in four Fidelity stock index funds (U.S. and international) and three Fidelity bond index funds (U.S. investment grade, U.S. long-term treasury, and international)) to achieve the fund's approximate asset allocation.
Many factors affect the Portfolio's performance. The Portfolio's unit price changes daily based on the performance of the underlying Fidelity funds in which it invests. The ability of the Portfolio to meet its investment objective is directly related to its target asset allocation among the underlying Fidelity funds and the ability of those funds to meet their investment objectives. The following factors can significantly affect the Portfolio's performance: stock market volatility, interest rate change, foreign exposure including exposure to emerging markets, prepayment, issuer specific changes, mid cap investing and small cap investing.
This investment option is not a mutual fund.
Expense Ratio (Gross)
Return Type | 1 Yr | 3 Yrs | 5 Yrs | 10 Yrs | Life |
FUND ABLE Multi-Asset Index Portfolio | 13.02% | -- | -- | -- | 19.96% |
PRIMARY BENCHMARK | 25.02% | 8.94% | 14.53% | 13.10% | -- |
SECONDARY BENCHMARK | 13.40% | 3.57% | 8.65% | 8.69% | -- |